Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome To Class

The Sporting gentleman is your stop for sports related clips. But it is also so much more. The content will be sports-themed. But the Sporting Gentleman enjoys all things "classy", a video can and will be featured on his page simply because the Sporting Gentleman has deemed it: classy.
What is classy? Only the sporting gentleman knows for sure. If something is classy, then he'll know it when he sees it.
The sporting gentleman is the avatar other avatars want to be, and other girl avatars want to be with.
The sporting gentleman will also blog on a variety of issues. From who's being classy in sports, to who's being classy in politics.
Sporting gentleman's CLASSY METER wont pass judgment on who it will pass judgment on. If you know what I mean. And I think you do.
For example: Mustaches= classy, Beards= not classy. And so on.

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