Waste Time Efficiently

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Are Bloopers?

Is it just someone getting hurt really badly? Or is there more? The Sporting Gentleman Investigates.

Yes the blooper. Ever since time immoral man has laughed at the misfortune of others. Yes, as long as it didn't happen to us, it was funny. But sports bloopers are sometimes just poor plays like own goals, or forgetting which basket is yours.

And often they must be punctuated by funny sounds like: "dooup!" or "boing!" or "brrowmp!" so that we the viewer know that what we're seeing is funny and therefore we laugh.

Now, I have no problem with funny sounds. Hell, I love them. But are they a requirement for the blooper reel? And why do so many blooper reels just have people putting shitty goth songs over some average plays in slow motion? Experts disagree, and the debate contiues.

Yes it seems that we may never have a writ in stone definition of what bloopers are. All we know is that they are funny, they usually involve someone getting seriously hurt or at least humiliating themselves horribly, and they sometimes have funny sounds.

What have we learned here today?

Yes. Not much. But we have wasted some time, and I think thats pretty okay. So keep doing stupid stuff on camera. And someone will keep putting it in slow motion to a rap song and hopefully adding some funny SFX in there, and the world will keep having bloopers.

With Bloop,

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